2 091
  • Melinda Guerini 布達佩斯, 匈牙利
    • 您能為新進攝影師提供一些建議嗎?

      Study, practice, be humble, open to the world!

    • 您如何開始從事攝影行業?

      Probably in the same way of most of us: a friend asked me to shoot her wedding, then, since I had already a big passion about photography, after I saw that I enjoyed a lot to capture real moments, I decided-well actually together with my husband Graziano Guerini- to follow that path (step by step).

    • 您上相嗎?

      sure ;)

    • 您認為一張好照片裡最重要的元素有哪些?

      I think there is not an exact answer, everyone likes a photo because of many reasons, also personal reasons given by personal taste.
      Personally, using of course a good technique, I aim to capture always the emotions, the real moments, that's what really matters in a perfect service in my opinion.
      And in the Creative Sessions I aim to create beautiful photos, so I take care of the esthetique by following my personal sense of taste, but always trying to give some emotions to the viewers.
      Also controlling lights and shadows is very important, often essential.

    • 您最喜歡這個職業的哪個部分?

      Shooting weddings in different countries, with different traditions, it's very interesting, and we often work between Italy, Austria and Hungary, but not only.
      And this job allows me to meet new people, of course, and this is also a beautiful side of being a wedding photographer.
      And being able to give to these people memories they will be joyful to watch in the future, well, that makes me proud.

    • 您如何應對批評?

      I'm always studying, always trying new things, and always following photographers whose works I love, and I'm always ready to learn from them.
      There is always to learn something new, and there is always someone who can teach me something. So, I usually accept critics if well motivated :)

    • 您喜歡狗還是貓?


    • 您希望改變自己的哪一點?

      worry less

    Nikon D750
  • Aleksey Tuktamyshev 莫斯科, 俄羅斯
    • 首先─您認為誰是莫斯科最優秀的攝影師呢? :)

      Конечно же я!))) Если серьезно, то несколько и каждый из низ по-своему хорош

    • 客戶選擇攝影師的標準有哪些?

      По убыванию значимости: 1) фотограф как человек (если у него бомбические кадры, но в процессе общения вы поняли, что он не с вашего мира – проходите мимо); 2) фотография (стиль, обработка); 3) условия, прайс

    • 您如何開始從事攝影行業?

      Оууу, сейчас понастальгирую...Купил фотик, снимал что вижу, и, наверно, как это у многих бывает, однажды знакомая мне сказала: "Леха! Ты же фотограф! Сними мою свадьбу, пожалуйста". А я такой: "Э, ну, как бы я не фотограф, тем более не снимал еще свадьбы". А в ответ: "Ну у тебя же есть зеркалка, будешь фотографом на моей свадьбе".
      Это была моя первая свадьба.

    • 您上相嗎?

      Больше да, чем нет

    • 您認為一張好照片裡最重要的元素有哪些?

      Свет, эмоции, атмосфера

    • 您熱愛旅行嗎?


    • 您最喜歡這個職業的哪個部分?

      Новые знакомства, общение. Радость от пойманых моментов.

    • 您最不喜歡這個職業的哪個部分?

      Одним словом – фотошоп

    • 您如何應對批評?

      Плохо. Она не окрыляет

    • 攝影的前景如何?

      Думаю, что мода в фотографиях, как и в одежде будет чередоваться: сегодня модно клёш, завтра – зауженные брюки, через неделю – снова клёш. В свадебной фотографии то же самое

    • 拍攝時應該避免哪些事項?

      Носить с собой одну камеру )

    Nikon Z 6
  • Tito Rikardo 雅加達, 印尼
    • 客戶選擇攝影師的標準有哪些?

      Bride and groom should choose the one that they trust.

    • 您如何開始從事攝影行業?

      in 2005 one of my best friend introduce me to photography, we shoot everything. Until in 2007 my partner and I found our passion to shoot wedding only

    • 您上相嗎?

      I believe every body, including me, has their own charms. And the man behind the lens should find it

    • 您認為一張好照片裡最重要的元素有哪些?

      for me light and emotion two most important to make a good photo

    • 您熱愛旅行嗎?

      being a wedding photographer has made me travel almost all continent. And I love traveling, especially capturing couples with different countries and cultures. but home still the best place on earth for me.

    • 您最喜歡這個職業的哪個部分?

      I am doing the thing that I love, and meeting new people on their happiest day. Plus I can travel around the world.

    • 您最不喜歡這個職業的哪個部分?

      sometimes I need to travel with long period of time (more than 2 weeks), I must leave my family.

    • 您如何應對批評?

      I believe critics are one of ways for me to become better.

    • 拍攝時應該避免哪些事項?

      besides bride and groom portraits, I restrained my self to direct the event. Because I believe in real moment.

    • 攝影的前景如何?

      it will be borderless industry. An example from our own experience: A couple live in london, booked indonesian wedding photographer and the wedding in africa.

    • 您擅長的攝影類型有什麼特別之處?

      for me personally, as wedding photographer I get to applied my knowledge in landscape, product, fashion and interior photography. So it is always challenging, and I race with time.

    Nikon D750