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  • Jeff ONeal Jakarta, Indonesië
    • Welke criteria moet de klant hanteren bij het kiezen van een fotograaf?

      Its a very big decision to make.
      I would say that they have to pick their dream photographer that is fit their budget or if its way out of their budget, they should try harder to make the budget fitPhotographer is top 3 vendors in a wedding that a couple have to make priority offIts once a lifetime memories, would you really pick someone randomly for it? I won't for sure.

    • Hoe bent u beland in de fotografie-industrie?

      I was struggling finding the "industry" of photography that I wanted to focus on. Started shooting a lot of stuff from fashion, commercial, etc.First time I've ever shot a wedding was my friend's wedding and got into wedding photography after that moment on.

    • Wat zijn volgens u de belangrijkste elementen van een goede foto?

      Composition – Lighting – and of course Moments!

    • Houdt u van reizen?

      I love traveling 1000%

    • Wat vindt u het leukst aan uw beroep?

      A wedding is always a happy moments for a lot of people, and I get to be part of those moments in every job. Makes me a stay young!

    • Wat vindt u het minst leuk aan uw beroep?


    • Hoe gaat u om met kritiek?

      I love criticism, it makes me a better photographer.

    • Waar maakt u zich zorgen over en waarom?

      Wedding organizer or families of the bride and groom who stop all the moments that going on in a wedding.Living in Indonesia, there are a lot of "setup" moments by those people, and I hate it. They set it up to look all good and everything, which is not necessary at all.
      A wedding should go and looks as is in my honest opinion.

    • Wie inspireert u in uw leven en waarom?

      My father.
      He inspires me in many things. Can not describe it in words

    • Hoe definieert u succes? Hoe meet u het?

      Many people define it in how much money that he/she makes in a year or how many bookings that they made in a year.For me, success is when a lot of people appreciate my works.
      They choose me as their photographer because they can't think of someone else to take their wedding photos. It has to be me

    • Bent u liever graag gezien of gerespecteerd?

      Respected for sure

    Nikon D750
  • Vyacheslav Luchnenkov Riga, Letland
    • Ten eerste - wie beschouwt u als de beste fotograaf in Riga? :)

      Rolf Vendis – according to awards 2018

    • Welke criteria moet de klant hanteren bij het kiezen van een fotograaf?

      Listen to your heart, and just imagine your self on my photos ;)

    • Hoe bent u beland in de fotografie-industrie?

      It was a point to start, so I've been recommended, and it was good first experience

    • Bent u fotogeniek?

      Yes I am! Because I know how to get a stunning picture, and I can show and teach it to my clients!

    • Wat zijn volgens u de belangrijkste elementen van een goede foto?

      The most important is to send a message that you will feel the atmosphere of that day.

    • Houdt u van reizen?

      ​Yes! I can travel all year, but only if I’m with my family. Travelling with them is the most valuable thing for me.

    • Wat vindt u het leukst aan uw beroep?

      People, that see my pictures are saying – WOW! you got that image for us! That's wonderful! Thank you!

    • Wat vindt u het minst leuk aan uw beroep?

      Deadlines, I'm trying my best that it won't get me in frustration. Also, I’m getting better and better every time.

    • Hoe gaat u om met kritiek?

      I'm open for crytics.

    • Wat ziet u de toekomst van fotografie?

      I hope that I will be involved in it!

    • Wat is er totaal uit den boze bij het fotograferen?

      Always smile! remember it!

    Nikon D750
  • David Hofman Brasília, Brazilië
    • Ten eerste - wie beschouwt u als de beste fotograaf in Brasília? :)

      Anderson Marques, for me a great reference as an artist, photographer and as a person.

    • Welke criteria moet de klant hanteren bij het kiezen van een fotograaf?

      Affinity and identification with the photographer's professional and personality.

    • Hoe bent u beland in de fotografie-industrie?

      It was very natural, everything was happening slowly. Today I am passionate about photographing couples, participating in the stories and the great moments with the relatives.

    • Bent u fotogeniek?

      No Unfortunately. But who knows with a few months of gym can improve rsrsrsrsrrs

    • Wat zijn volgens u de belangrijkste elementen van een goede foto?

      Composition, light and direction. Add to that the impact, attention at decisive moments and an intelligent post-production.

    • Houdt u van reizen?

      Very very much. Especially meet new places, cultures and people.

    • Wat vindt u het leukst aan uw beroep?

      Travel, meet new stories, participate in incredible moments that only the profession allows me today. And finally, know the responsibility and importance that my work can have to perpetuate and influence others!

    • Wat vindt u het minst leuk aan uw beroep?

      Being devalued by people who can not see the beauty and seriousness of what we do and why we photograph ..

    • Hoe gaat u om met kritiek?

      I always try to learn as much as possible and try to look as if I'm on the other side. In photography, criticism should be part of the life of the professional as a daily exercise. We should always be bothered with something and always on the move looking for ever better things.

    • Wat ziet u de toekomst van fotografie?

      Equally important but with better equipment and tools.

    • Wat is er totaal uit den boze bij het fotograferen?

      Working lazily, carelessly, miss good times.

    Nikon D750