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  • Alin Panaite Constanța, Romania
    • Hva bør kriteriene være for en kunde som skal velge en fotograf?

      The MAN behind the camera.

    • Hvordan ble du en del av fotografbransjen?

      After working for some time in fashion photography and in the studio, the step to wedding photography was very natural. I've always enjoyed working with people, and being together with them on a special day gives what I need for capturing great shots.

    • Hva er de viktigste komponentene i et bra bilde etter din mening?

      Light, composition, but especially feeling. A good photo has to make you laugh, to make you cry, to make you shiver, even hate it...but it can not leave you without reaction.

    • Er du glad i å reise?


    • Hva liker du best med yrket ditt?

      You meet great people, you learn many things from them, you can watch them smile or cry when you show them the photos you've made.

    • Hva liker du minst med yrket ditt?

      The price of cameras :)))

    • Hvordan takler du kritikk?

      Very well. If it's well argummented, you can learn o lot from criticism.

    • Hvem kunne du tenkt deg å fotografere?

      Vladimir Putin, Sting, and a few other people.

    • Hvordan ser fremtiden ut for fotografering?

      A bright one. The competition is going to be even higher, and competition means progress. In order to stay ahead, you have to constantly learn and reinvent yourself.

    • Hvem kunne du tenkt deg å fotografere sammen med?

      Rankin, Ghionis, Valenzuela.

    • Hva er det spesielle med den fotografisjanger du har spesialisert deg i?

      The unique nature of the moment. A mixture of happiness, stress, laughing and tears.

    Nikon D810
  • Liza Lobanova London, Storbritannia
    • Hva bør kriteriene være for en kunde som skal velge en fotograf?

      First of all the images. You should be absolutely in love with photographer's style!

    • Hvordan ble du en del av fotografbransjen?

      I started by shooting a couple of friends weddings

    • Er du fotogen?

      Depends who is taking photo. If Im doing iphone selfie – always!

    • Hva er de viktigste komponentene i et bra bilde etter din mening?

      Happy mood, mutual cooperation, light

    • Er du glad i å reise?


    • Hva liker du best med yrket ditt?

      Well, I love being such a big part of peoples' happy day, I lovethat I am the one, who creates memories for years and years to come, I love learning about different love people feel for each other and I love travelling of course

    • Hva liker du minst med yrket ditt?

      administration and accounting

    • Hvordan takler du kritikk?

      I tend to accept it if it's constructive

    • Hvilke ting er absolutt ikke tillatt under fotograferingen?

      Being rude I guess

    • Hvordan ser fremtiden ut for fotografering?

      I just read an article about it. Aparently it's 3D pictures and Imax style videos

    • Hva er det spesielle med den fotografisjanger du har spesialisert deg i?

      Love. It's always special and every time different

    Nikon D700
  • Ciprian Vladut București, Romania
    • Hva bør kriteriene være for en kunde som skal velge en fotograf?

      First of all, it's important that the bride and groom identify themselves with the photographer and his work, the choice should be made by whether they consider he is the one who's worth recording their lifetime memories. Then, they should absolutely watch an entire wedding shot by the one they chose. I like being approached by future weds who know a thing or two about photography and who got their mind set on what they really want.

    • Hvordan ble du en del av fotografbransjen?

      I started taking pictures in 2000 and shooting weddings in 2008. At first, I didn't want to do weddings, I thought it would diminish my work. But I started anyway and found the most challenging environment, I discovered that no matter what type of photography you do, you can always reinvent yourself and find new ways to tell a story. Especially when you meet extraordinary people all the time :)

    • Er du fotogen?

      I consider I ain't, but it so happens that on occasion some other photographer catches the good/bright sight of me.

    • Hva er de viktigste komponentene i et bra bilde etter din mening?

      First & foremost, the people involved and their mood (if you're shooting people), then the light (I began ”seeing” the light after years of shooting) and the decisive moment. I don't agree that the quality of a photograph is not important, but it indeed comes in second after the feelings it produces.

    • Er du glad i å reise?

      So much that if it would be possible I would be traveling all the time.

    • Hva liker du best med yrket ditt?

      The diversity – today I'm shooting a wedding, tomorrow a baptism, after tomorrow a concert, then a family portrait, a corporate event or some landscape. It's what keeps me connected all the time.

    • Hva liker du minst med yrket ditt?

      Having too much to edit.

    • Hvordan takler du kritikk?

      I'm all in for constructive criticism, don't like destructive one. That's why we're here on My Wed, right? To constantly learn from other photographers and document ourselves about where we are as wedding photographers. I, for one, would like to hear more criticism about my work and where to improve. Here's an idea: you could implement a section where each photographer could post one photo/week for critique :D

    • Hvilke ting er absolutt ikke tillatt under fotograferingen?

      Getting in front of the photographer.

    • Hvordan ser fremtiden ut for fotografering?

      I think it is constantly evolving and that we'll always see changes for the good. We'll always have trends that come and go, the important thing is to know who you are and do what you really like, not necessarily follow the hype.

    • Hva er det spesielle med den fotografisjanger du har spesialisert deg i?

      Oh, everything about it is special. I must admit I suffer when someone refers to it as a banality, thinking that ”real artists” don't do wedding photos. Special is meeting new people, seeing new places or facing new challenges. Besides war photography, I find it the most challenging type, you get to meet all kinds of situations during one day: different light every minute, you get to shoot outdoors and indoors, in plain sun or in the shadow of a tree/building, inside a cave or on a mountain top etc. etc. Need I say more?

    Nikon D750