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Nhiếp ảnh gia Martina Lanotte


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Đã lâu không xuất hiện

Cô-pen-ha-gen, Đan Mạch 

5 năm trên MyWed
Tôi có thể nói anh, ý, tây ban nha, đan mạch
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/azOOJlRhjYytTydjqUC0RlLPOGFMsXsjnlEr8xT-oVyoo0ORWG_A1p3nY0FJMo23ciXD_ScI2fq1o9pBRFxZB_-Snv9QfEcArp4c Cô-pen-ha-gen, Đan Mạch Martina Lanotte +45 31 20 21 11

Cuộc phỏng vấn

  • Bạn có ăn ảnh không?

    I think the right question would be: do you feel awkward in front of the camera?
    Absolutely! When it comes to have our own photo taken, photographers are the worst.

  • Bạn bước chân vào nghề chụp ảnh như thế nào?

    Photography has always been a big passion of mine, and during university I started working as assistant and second shooter for a wedding photographer in Perugia, Italy. I loved everything about it!

  • Theo ý kiến của bạn, những thành phần nào là quan trọng nhất của một bức ảnh đẹp?

    Beside the nerdy stuff (composition and rules and blabla), a great photo needs to capture genuine emotions and tell a story that everybody can relate to. Technical perfection is important, but without emotional engagement it would only create empty images.

  • Bạn có yêu thích du lịch không?

    Who doesn't? :)

  • Điều bạn thích nhất trong nghề của mình là gì?

    I believe the best part of my job is when people thank me for giving them the photographs they wanted. Creating memories that they will be looking at, for years, is an honour for me.

  • Điều bạn không thích nhất trong nghề của mình là gì?

    Being a photographer is not only shooting and editing, there is an entire world beyond that: we also have to reply to emails, find new clients, make phone calls, do our bookkeeping, our marketing strategy, take care of our website, not to mention the fact that we have to stay updated with trends and new technologies. We have to keep ourselves motivated all the time, because if we skip one of these things nobody is going to do it for us.
    And I love my job as a whole, because each part makes it what it is.

  • Bạn có chuyên môn đặc biệt về thể loại ảnh nào?

    The emotions involved in your wedding day make your wedding photographs more than “only” photographs: they soon become memories of one of the most important events of your life. As time passes, these images don’t become outdated – like fashion photos for example – but they turn into invaluable and priceless memories.

  • Thái độ của bạn trước những lời phê bình như thế nào?

    With time I’ve learned that being able to hear people’s opinions can improve every aspect of our life, from our relationships to our job. It’s important to focus on what is being criticised, without taking it personally.
    Of course, I’m talking about constructive criticism: accusing people and pointing out their faults without giving suggestion will never bring anything good.

  • Có bất kỳ xu hướng nào trong ngành nhiếp ảnh không?

    Yes, there are trends. But a wedding usually brings traditions, and so wedding photography always keeps a sort of timeless vibe.
    You'll never catch me with a black and white image where only the roses are red.

  • Khách hàng nên có tiêu chí nào để lựa chọn nhiếp ảnh gia?

    So many things, and I'm not sure I can even bring it down to a few sentences. However, beyond style and price, I'd say to look for an honest and trustworthy person.

  • Những chi tiết nào thường bị bỏ qua mà một nhiếp ảnh gia lại để ý?

    As I recently wrote in an article, a good wedding photographer should never neglect the details: people are always focused on the main events – ceremony, cake, dance – and they tend to overlook all the other little moments and details in between. And it's our job to freeze in time the little details.

  • Khi đi du lịch, bạn mang theo những thứ gì và tại sao?

    A good book.
    I grew up among books, and that's how I feed my soul.

  • Bạn tự học cách chụp ảnh như thế nào?

    I love what I do so much that I spend my free time studying, doing courses and reading magazines. Winter, when the wedding season is a bit low, is the perfect time for doing that.

  • Cuộc sống sau hôn nhân có tốt không?


  • Điều tốt đẹp nhất trong cuộc sống là:

    Food, love, pancakes.

  • Bạn có thể đưa ra vài lời khuyên cho các nhiếp ảnh gia vừa mới bắt đầu không?

    You can do anything, if you believe in yourself and work hard :)