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  • David Hofman Brasília, Brazílie
    • Za prvé a především – koho můžete jmenovat jako nejlepšího fotografa ve vašem městě? :)

      Anderson Marques, for me a great reference as an artist, photographer and as a person.

    • Jaké by měl mít zákazník kritérium při výběru fotografa?

      Affinity and identification with the photographer's professional and personality.

    • Jak jste se dostali do fotografického průmyslu?

      It was very natural, everything was happening slowly. Today I am passionate about photographing couples, participating in the stories and the great moments with the relatives.

    • Jste fotogeničtí?

      No Unfortunately. But who knows with a few months of gym can improve rsrsrsrsrrs

    • Jaké jsou podle vás nedůležitější součásti dobré fotografie?

      Composition, light and direction. Add to that the impact, attention at decisive moments and an intelligent post-production.

    • Cestujete rádi?

      Very very much. Especially meet new places, cultures and people.

    • Co máte nejredši na vaší profesi?

      Travel, meet new stories, participate in incredible moments that only the profession allows me today. And finally, know the responsibility and importance that my work can have to perpetuate and influence others!

    • Co se vám líbí nejméně na vaší profesi?

      Being devalued by people who can not see the beauty and seriousness of what we do and why we photograph ..

    • Jak zvládáte kritiku?

      I always try to learn as much as possible and try to look as if I'm on the other side. In photography, criticism should be part of the life of the professional as a daily exercise. We should always be bothered with something and always on the move looking for ever better things.

    • Jaká je budoucnost focení?

      Equally important but with better equipment and tools.

    • Co není dovoleno při focení?

      Working lazily, carelessly, miss good times.

    Nikon D750
  • Marcin Karpowicz Calgary, Kanada
    • Jaké by měl mít zákazník kritérium při výběru fotografa?

      Three things: portfolio, personality, and of course, budget.

    • Jak jste se dostali do fotografického průmyslu?

      My wife's idea. We photograph the nature, when we were hiking – eventually my wife started to photograph people – finally our friend took us to photograph her wedding in Mexico – and this is how I started my journey with wedding photography.

    • Jste fotogeničtí?

      I don't feel like a photogenic person.

    • Jaké jsou podle vás nedůležitější součásti dobré fotografie?

      moment, composition and light. You have to have those three elements in order to have perfect photo.

    • Cestujete rádi?

      Yes – I love traveling. So far I lived in three different countries and in two different continents. I was born in Poland, lived for 6 years in USA and finally moved to Canada, where I am living today.

    • Co máte nejredši na vaší profesi?

      I am dealing, most of the time, with happiness and love during the day of wedding. I am in constant movement – meeting different people. The life looks like the box of chocolates – you never know what kind of clients you get :)

    • Co se vám líbí nejméně na vaší profesi?

      Uncertainty of the future bookings.

    • Jak zvládáte kritiku?

      I am handle very well constructive criticism – criticism helps my development of being better photographer.

    • Co není dovoleno při focení?

      I don't see that kind of things.

    • Jaká je budoucnost focení?

      Difficult to say – maybe the future will be screenshot from the video coverage. For sure there will be more and more competitiveness with the guests capturing the moments through their better and better phones and their ability to instantly share those photos on all social media platforms.

    • Co je výjimečného na žánru fotografií, na který se specializujete?

      In few hours the photographer needs to capture the story of love between the bride and groom, connection to their friends, and nurture of their parents.

    Nikon D800
  • Damon Pijlman Amsterdam, Nizozemsko
    • Jaké by měl mít zákazník kritérium při výběru fotografa?

      Do you really really like the portfolio of the photographer

    • Jak jste se dostali do fotografického průmyslu?

      On the age of 16 I started my first job at a photo studio where I learned all sorts of photography and also weddings. The first years I was a assistend and enjoyed the weddings a lot, the energy the love the fun!

    • Jste fotogeničtí?

      Well let I be honest yes I'am..... but that's in my dream ;-) glad I'm at the other side of the lens.

    • Jaké jsou podle vás nedůležitější součásti dobré fotografie?

      I think it needs a great moment, so you can not only see the love but also feel it!

    • Cestujete rádi?

      Yeah I do, to explore new wedding location is amazing!

    • Co máte nejredši na vaší profesi?

      The connection with the people

    • Co se vám líbí nejméně na vaší profesi?

      paying taxes

    • Jak zvládáte kritiku?

      I think it's very important to keep growing

    • Co není dovoleno při focení?

      We think we do need no other families or friends to shoot with the Iphones among us, we can do it no worries :-) just enjoy the day

    • Jaká je budoucnost focení?

      Wedding photography will even get better than it's already is

    • Co je výjimečného na žánru fotografií, na který se specializujete?

      We now see a lot of outdoor wedding ceremony's during the golden hour (sundown) That's something new for us but we like it a lot. We can't have a better light

    Nikon D750