Laatst gezien lang geleden

Fotograaf Verity Sansom


Laatst gezien lang geleden

Leeds, Verenigd Koninkrijk PRO

10 jaar op MyWed
Ik spreek engels Leeds, Verenigd Koninkrijk Verity Sansom


  • Bent u fotogeniek?

    In who's opinion? Haha

  • Hoe bent u beland in de fotografie-industrie?

    Chris and I met in our 3rd year of University and fell in love over our love of photography. We used to go on days out with our film cameras and wanted to make it our life. Chris asked me to join him in wedding photography and after our first wedding together we never looked back.

  • Wat zijn volgens u de belangrijkste elementen van een goede foto?

    Good light, movement and emotion. Sometimes only one of these is necessary to make a good photograph but these are the 3 main things I look out for.

  • Houdt u van reizen?

    Yes! As a family when I was younger we were lucky enough to do a lot of travelling. I loved the long drives up to Scotland and had my eyes glued to the window to watch the scenery go by. I love exploring new countries too, America has so much to offer and are excited to be heading back there next year. Wether it's only a 2 hour drive or a night on a plane it's the excitement of somewhere new and new locations to take photographs of!

  • Wat vindt u het leukst aan uw beroep?

    Everything! After over 220 weddings Chris and I couldn't wish to be doing anything else. Having got married ourselves we know how important those photographs are, it's such an amazing pleasure to give couples memories that they can treasure for generations. There are so many aspects to wedding photography, you have to be good at low light situations, details, portraits, landscapes, couple shots, posing, and most of all, all on a tight time limit! Not any other job has all these aspects and I guess that's what I thrive on, trying to make sure I get the best possible outcome to all those situations at every single wedding and going to each one not knowing what to expect. It's also the amazing feedback we get from our couples, they are the reason we do what we do and when you get an amazing letter or e-mail it really does make your day. Being able to do all of that and work hard to achieve our dreams with my husband by my side 24/7 is just the icing on the cake!

  • Wat vindt u het minst leuk aan uw beroep?

    I think it's cliche to say there is nothing that I dislike about our job but it's pretty hard to think of anything! I guess it would be the fact that there is still so much rivalry between photographs which gets in the way of what truly matters. We all are privileged to do such an important and amazing job and I guess it would be great if everyone put their ego's to one side!

  • Wat ziet u de toekomst van fotografie?

    No idea really, probably having 10 photographers at once or something!

  • Wat is er bijzonder aan het fotografiegenre waarin u zich specialiseert?

    The unique way every photographer sees a moment differently.

  • Hoe gaat u om met kritiek?

    As best as I can, I always make sure that when ever it happens to do everything in my power to correct and understand the situation.

  • Zijn er bepaalde trends in fotografie?

    There will always be trends in wedding photography, and I have always made sure to stay away from them all! I've always believed that spending too long looking into other photographers work or wedding trends will confuse and change your own vision.

  • Welke criteria moet de klant hanteren bij het kiezen van een fotograaf?

    That they fit in with their day, if they want a relaxed, chilled wedding then find a photographer that will shoot to suit their day and spend hours setting up shots.
    I think one of the most important things is that you get along, we are such a large part of the day, to us the relationship between us and the couple is the most important thing.

  • Wat is er totaal uit den boze bij het fotograferen?

    Overstepping the mark in the ceremony. Everyone's heard those stories of photographers knocking over the registrar or annoying the vicar and it's really not worth it. There are so many angles to look for that disrupting the ceremony for a shot is simply not acceptable!

  • Welke details die vaak onopgemerkt gaan, kan een fotograaf vastleggen?

    The things going on in the background, at the same time when I have my eye on the couple I always have my eye on what's going on around me!

  • Wat beïnvloedt de waarde van een foto? Wat zijn de elementen ervan?

    If you've managed to capture the atmosphere of the moment, with emotion and from a perspective that makes you feel imersed in the moment.

  • Welke persoon kan volgens u symbool staan voor de 21e eeuw?


  • Wie wil u graag fotograferen?


  • Heeft u bepaalde taboes op professioneel vlak?


  • Met wie zou u graag fotograferen?

    Erika and Lanny Mann would be awesome! I've always loved Jonas Peterson so I would have to say him too.

  • Waar maakt u zich zorgen over en waarom?

    I try hard not to worry as worrying doesn't change the outcome to anything!

  • Wat is het meest indrukwekkende moment van uw leven?

    Marrying Chris.

  • Als u een personage van een cartoon, boek of film was, wie zou u dan zijn?

    Pikachu, because it's cute and crazy! (this is what Chris said when I asked him!)

  • Wie inspireert u in uw leven en waarom?

    My parents. My dad has always been a wildlife artist and my mum is an amazing writer. Since I was a child they've always worked so hard to make sure me and my sister had the best childhood. They believe so much in their work and don't compromise it for anything. They never give up and always follow their dreams. They are the most hard-working, loving people in the world.

  • Hoe definieert u succes? Hoe meet u het?

    Having a happy family, friends, pets and a home.

  • Bent u liever graag gezien of gerespecteerd?


  • Wat is de grootste fout die u ooit begaan heeft op professioneel vlak?

    Early on in the business I believed too many sales callers!

  • Wat neemt u mee op reis en waarom?

    Camera, not sure I need a reason for that!

  • Is er iets dat u liever niet gekocht had tussen de gadgets die u bezit? Waarom?

    I'm not really a gadgety person!

  • Hoe leert u bij om betere foto's te maken?

    Every shoot I do I make sure I either mentally note down or write down what I could have improved on or things to rememeber for next time.

  • Wiens werk heeft u het meest beïnvloed als fotograaf?

    I'd have to say Chris (my husband). We've shot together for over 220 weddings and he is just the best photographer I know. We have such different ways of shooting and ways of seeing everything and that's why its so great to see his take on something!

  • Wat had u graag geweten toen u begon als fotograaf?

    That it would be what I would end up doing forever! And that exposure is just opinion.

  • Wat wil u graag zeggen met uw foto's?

    I want to capture the wedding day and the people we shoot in the best light and also with atmosphere. It's not so much about saying anything it's just about making sure their story is being told through my photographs. I want whoever looks at those photographs after to get a true reflection of them as a couple and also of what it was like to be there.

  • Wat motiveert u om foto's te blijven maken?

    The couples we photograph! The amazing feedback we get and just the ambition to leave as many couples with awesome wedding photography as possible!

  • Hadden uw ouders strenger of minder streng moeten zijn?

    Neither! They always encouraged us to do what makes us happy, whatever it was, and to me that was the best advice they could have given.

  • Wat zou u anders doen als u in de tijd kon terugkeren?

    I'm not sure, I always believe that everything that you've done – mistake or not – has got you where you are today... so nothing!

  • Wat denkt u over leven op andere planeten?


  • Wie zijn uw helden?

    My parents!

  • Voor wie kan u geen respect opbrengen?

    People that complain about something but don't do anything to change it.

  • Wat doet u in uw vrije tijd?

    Go on walks, go to the gym and cuddle my cats!

  • Welke kant van u krijgt het publiek niet te zien?

    I'm usually quite shy I guess!

  • Wanneer bent u helemaal tevreden over uw werk?

    When I know I have put everything I have into a photography and it shows.

  • Gelooft u in een traditionele rolverdeling voor man en vrouw?


  • Maakt u gemakkelijk vrienden?

    I'd like to think so.

  • Waar zou u graag wonen?

    Somehwere in the Dales in Yorkshire, not too far from where we do now!

  • Wat is het domste waarmee u ooit akkoord bent gegaan?

    I agreed to be pulled along on a skateboard by a rope atached to a car... that was pretty stupid! No injuries though and the car was going quite slow.. but still. What is was like to be at Uni!

  • Is er een leven na het huwelijk?

    Of course!

  • Heeft u een favoriete mop? Vertel ...

    A woman owns a Parrot that keeps on swearing so she takes it to the Vet to ask what to do about it. The Vet says to put the Parrot in the freezer for 5 minutes and that should stop the swearing. So the woman goes home and puts the Parrot in the freezer and after 5 minutes goes and takes it out, the Parrot is relieved to be out of the freezer and says "I'm so sorry I will never swear again... but what did the chicken do ? " -- I know its bad isn't it!!!!!!!

  • Houdt u van honden of van katten?

    Both! I love all animals, if we had a bigger house we would have a zoo!

  • Wie of wat haat u?

    I don't really like the word hate but I don't like TV Soaps!

  • Het beste in het leven is:


  • Het vervelendste in het leven is:

    Seeing other people not enjoying what they do.

  • Is er iets rondom u dat u graag zou veranderen?


  • Wat zou u graag veranderen aan uzelf?

    To be more confident.

  • Wat zou u graag veranderen aan de wereld?

    I think everyone would say the same, end all the suffering and war.

  • Kan u tips geven voor beginnende fotografen?

    Never stop believing it's possible.

  • Als buitenaardse wezens naar de Aarde komen en u bent de eerste persoon die ze ontmoeten, wat zal u hen dan zeggen?

    Hi! We are all weird...

  • U wordt gevraagd om een film te maken, welk genre wordt het?


  • Morgen zal ik ... doen

    more photograph editing!