Ultimo accesso un mese fa

Fotografo Riccardo Alù


Ultimo accesso un mese fa

Pinerolo, Italia PRO

Photography is my life. It is the most powerful tool for communication. When I see one of my photographs amidst a thousand others, I recognise it as if it were a part of me. When I grow up, I want to be a photographer !

Da 1 anno su MyWed
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https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/rWdAy9zpwDFMh5R0-5bgWEV488LelXU2wGSrEQWnuJzXXyw_faXGtETGGu-wuspRf5qAF0btZWzVRhdpQiSSZs7WAzgeIboWy67rZ8k Pinerolo, Italia Riccardo Alù +39 349 602 1644
Servizio di matrimonio: 200 EUR l'ora minimo 4 ore