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Fotografo Catalina Filip


Ultimo accesso molto tempo fa

Benevento, Italia 

Catalina lives in Italy, where she works as a freelance photographer since about fifteen years. She loves capturing the beauty of the soul and the indelible moments. Photography is not about the march or the rules, it concerns passion, dedication, study, a lot of work and patience, it is a constant

Da 5 anni su MyWed
Parlo italiano
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/CsqXpJraIoL0b8xtB6zkUNWpxB7EVAtDIHktjDGP0Z9qA7kfV16TDfkhf175NQXfzPNtFsvJonLJGb02pT2roTdnb54jjAd-5y3lLQ Benevento, Italia Catalina Filip +39 331 147 6440
Servizio di matrimonio: 1 125 DKK l'ora
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