Last seen a long time ago

Photographer Paul Budusan


Last seen a long time ago

Târgu Mureș, Romania 

9 years on MyWed
I can speak english, romanian. Târgu Mureș, Romania Paul Budusan +40 743 575 258


  • First and foremost – whom can you name as the best photographer in Târgu Mureș, Romania? :)

    Exista mai multi fotografi buni, insa, stilurile difera.

  • Are you photogenic?

    Uneori :))

  • How did you get in the photography industry?

    Din pasiune si continui sa o fac cu la fel de multa pasiune, incercand sa captez sentimentele in fotografii.

  • What are the most important components of a good photo in your opinion?

    Lumina, Compozitia, Momentul.

  • Do you love traveling?


  • What do you like most about your profession?

    Imi place ca sunt alaturi de oameni in cele mai importante momente din viata lor.

  • What will be the future of photography?

    Fotojurnalismul si Editari Looks like film.

  • What is special in the photography genre you specialise at?

    Momente unice, emotii.

  • What should be the criteria for a customer to choose a photographer?

    Cel mai important criteriu este ca fotografiile realizate de fotograful respectiv sa fie pe placul lor, iar apoi la prima intalnire este important ca fotograful si mirii sa fie pe aceeasi lungime de unda.

  • What things are to be avoided when shooting?


  • What details that usually pass unnoticed can a photographer notice?

    Lumina buna, linii directoare, etc.

  • What influences the value of a photo? What are its elements?

    Momentul, Lumina

  • Who do you want to take photos of?

    Oamenii care isi daruiesc unul altuia dragoste adevarata si se vede asta in fiecare moment

  • Who would you like to shoot with?

    Victor Lax

  • What is the most impressive moment in your life?

    Pana in momentul de fata cel mai impresionant moment a fost acela in care impreuna cu colegii mei de la Serviciul Mobil de Urgenta din Romania, am repornit prima data inima unui tanar prin manevrele de Resuscitare.

  • Who inspires you in your life and why?

    Fotografii de succes care redau prin fotografiile lor ceea ce imi place

  • How do you define success? How do you measure it?

    Succesul pentru mine inseamna feedback-ul primit de la clienti si aprecierile celor din jur, pentru ceea ce fac.

  • Would you rather be liked or respected?


  • When you're going to travel, what do you take with you and why?

    Un aparat foto si un obiectiv.

  • How do you educate yourself to take better pictures?

    Investesc mereu in mine, fac fotografii pentru mine, inafara de cele de eveniment.

  • Whose work has influenced you most as a photographer?

    Marian Sterea

  • What do you want to say with your photographs?

    Povestea adevarata, emotiile.

  • What motivates you to continue taking pictures?

    Oamenii si povestile lor.

  • Should your parents have been more or less strict?

    Au fost si sunt exact cum trebuie.

  • What do you do in your spare time?

    Petrec timpul cu iubita mea, pescuiesc si ma vad cu prietenii.

  • When are you completely satisfied with your work?

    Atunci cand oamenii pentru care am lucrat sunt multumiti.

  • Do you make friends easily?

    Foarte usor.

  • Where would you like to live?

    Mi-e bine aici.

  • Is there life after marriage?

    Existaaaa :))

  • Do you like dogs or cats?

    Imi plac si cainii si pisicile

  • The best thing in life is:


  • The most annoying thing in life is:


  • What would you like to change in yourself?

    Mi-ar placea sa vorbesc putin mai rar :)

  • Can you give a few tips for photographers who are just starting out?

    Sa studieze mult, teorie, teorie, teorie si apoi practica si sa inteleaga ca daca cumpara cel mai scump aparat nu inseamna ca sunt fotografi buni.

  • Tomorrow I will go and do...
