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Фотограф Anastasia Rassia


Был 2 часа назад

Афины, Греция PRO

3 года на MyWed
Владею языками: английский, греческий
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/aH3oKnQWpCgIhCjd8XjxlY2BmVE7dEqOhs4kOnlzGAgcZxCPtlhWEJxvfpaGyTP_wvup8SzpjRIUi3cCQoRjgsSObeuaSKgJgyzBHw Афины, Греция Anastasia Rassia +30 694 395 5003


  • Самый волнующий нас вопрос – кто лучший фотограф в вашем городе? :)

    Let me start by saying this: Every photographer has their own style – just as customers have their own likings! Each couple has their own vision, their own aesthetic, and luckily, there are a lot of different styles out there!All in all, of course there are more skilled and less skilled photographers in Athens, but what matters is whose photos stole your heart!

  • Вы фотогеничны?

    I don't find myself particularly photogenic, however people are much more photogenic when they feel relaxed. |Being yourself, is all we – photographers- are aiming for!Of course more often than not brides & grooms have difficulty to be natural in front of a camera, and this is a big part of our job! To make them stress free and actually enjoy the experience!

  • Как вы попали в индустрию фотографии?

    Well, since I was young , photography interested me quite a lot, as my father was an amateur – but quite dedicated- photographer. Unfortunately, I was convinced pretty early that it's a profession that won't help me make a living, and I aimed for Computer School, which I also found interesting.After finishing my studies and working in the field, I understood that this was not for me, as I really felt my need to express my creativity . After some temporary jobs, I took the decision to finally enrol in a Photography Academy, and that's how everything began!

  • Как вы считаете, какие самые важные составляющие хорошей фотографии?

    Framing, tonality, color, theme. Knowing what to isolate from a scene, incorporating the more shades and tones you can, creating a mood with your colors, and finding the essence of what you see.

  • Любите путешествовать?

    Well, like most people, I really do! My adult life, whenever I had some money to spent, I invested them all for travelling.Most of my travels I did them alone, as I find it a much better way to get a real grasp of a city's vibe.And truth is, being in a new environment is super inspiring in my photography!

  • Что в вашей профессии вам нравится больше всего?

    Well, there are several reasons. I really like interacting with people and hearing their love stories, or their thoughts on their wedding day. It's super fun for me, to try to incorporate their style to my photographic approach.I love to be part of the whole day, all the unexpected things that can happen, really make it a very unique job. No wedding day is like the previous one!The editing, is a process that however tiring, really let's you express fully your creativity.And then the feedback! There's nothing that fills your heart more than hearing positive word from a couple! No matter my years in photography, whenever I get genuine compliments for my work, from a customer, a coworker, a competitor, a fan, is giving me tons of fuel to continue doing what I do and put more and more energy to it.In my opinion, it's a job that if you don't love, like truly enjoy and be satisfied from it, it is very difficult to succeed .

  • Что в вашей профессии вам нравится меньше всего?

    A common answer to this , is I guess dealing with couples that your communication had difficulties. But what greater challenge than having to cooperate with people that you have very opposite points of view? I am a person who I really enjoy challenges, since they really push me forward, even if they make me feel stressed!

  • Каким вы видите будущее фотографии?

    Well this, I will never know. The big question here is weather someone can adapt to the new stuff. Cause this is what keeps a freelancer alive, the ability to adapt to new challenges.

  • Что делает жанр фотографии, в котором вы снимаете, особенным?

    I wouldn't say that I specialize in a specific genre, more like I incorporate stuff from some styles.For example, I love the emotion, the surprise, and the feel that you're looking through a keyhole on someone's life, that Documentary Photography has. Additionally, Traditional photography, like big family pictures, are timeless and a request of all couples, so I love to give them these shots.Black and White, in my opinion, gives also a filmic mood on wedding photos, making the people in them looking like protagonists of a 50s , 60s movie! And, have I ever told you my love for Cinematography?!Last but certainly not least, Landscape Photography it's a big passion for a lover of travelling like me! This style of photography , I really aim for when shooting Prewedding, Next Day or Engagement Sessions. Humans are a part of their environment and I love to show the connection between them.

  • Как вы относитесь к критике?

    Well, I'm a people's person, so I really like to be liked! I accept criticism but I will always try to find out why someone's opinion of me or my work is not in accordance with them. I'm an unrest soul and I most certainly will try to change my image towards the better!

  • Есть ли в фотографии своя мода?

    Of course, and they're changing by the minute. It's important to also take into account the different cultures and religions, since trends differentiate a lot according to those.

  • По каким критериям клиенты должны выбирать своего фотографа?

    That's a question that I can give some advice, but the part that each couple puts the importance on is completely subjective!First, is the style of the photos, from an aesthetic point of view, as well the moments that each photographer captures. For example, you like vivid colours, or moody, desaturated ones? You dream of looking like an instagram influencer, a romantic princess, or a contemporary woman? You have some amazing poses in mind, or you want to see some shots of you and your loved ones, interacting as you usually do? Look through some photographers' portfolios!Then, when you find your top 5, read carefully about the services they offer, and info about pricing, delivery etc., and you will find your perfect match!

  • Чего нельзя допускать при съемке?

    Nothing! Come as you are!

  • Что обычные люди упускают из виду, в то время как фотограф может увидеть?

    Unwanted people on the background, some details on the clothing that can be fixed and light directions, are some things that our couples usually don't see, and it's the photographer's job to notice!

  • Что влияет на ценность фотографии? Из чего она складывается?

    That is a question with very subjective answers , since each couples values different elements! What I can say from my experience, is that a type of photo a couple is crazy for, another one doesn't really care!

  • Кого бы вы назвали символом XXI века?

    This question restrains a lot my thinking! Depending on the filed, there are quite a lot people that are symbols of our century, and I'm sure many more will be born!

  • Кого бы вы хотели поснимать?

    Well people- obviously-, landscapes, urban sceneries. I enjoy still life photography, but not in all forms.

  • Есть ли у вас какие-то табу в работе?

    Taboos, in my opinion, are holding society back. So, no, but I do respect people's preferences.

  • С кем вы хотели бы поснимать?

    Hmm, I'm open to collabs :) !

  • О чем вы беспокоитесь и почему?

    To be honest, in these times, about Covid and only.

  • Расскажите о самом сильном впечатлении в своей жизни.

    I'm not that easily impressed!

  • Кто вдохновляет вас и почему?

    Several artists, people who overcame difficulties. Luckily we live in an era that many people can share their personal stories through social media.

  • Как вы определяете успех? Можно ли его измерить?

    Success for me, is close to happiness. Of course happiness is moments, but I would measure it by the amount of harmony you have in your life. Like a balanced person.

  • Что для вас важнее: любовь окружающих или уважение?

    I always thought of respect as a form of putting someone high, like taking into account his status. I don't really like mind who take their status that seriously, I would prefer to feel equal among others. So, I like to be liked, cause of my behaviour and opinions.

  • Расскажите о своей самой большой ошибке в работе.

    Not gonna lie, in the past I have done too much of a compromise to not make a customer unsatisfied. But now I have made things more clear for my prospective customers, so we don't end up in confusions later!

  • Что вы берете с собой в путешествие и почему?

    It's my partner, since we both love to discover.

  • Есть ли среди вашей техники что-то, чего покупать не следовало бы? Почему вы так считаете?

    No, there are gadgets that I really want to buy!

  • Расскажите о своем самообучении: что вы делаете, чтобы снимать лучше?

    Through researching new styles and photographers.

  • Чья работа больше всего повлияла на ваше становление как фотографа?

    Andrei Tarkovsky, even though he's not a photographer, had really influenced me on my imagery. Other people are Wim Wenders, Paolo Barretta etc.Now, for wedding photography, I do admire Jordan Voth, Michael Pappas and a lot more other artists.

  • Как вы считаете, что вам следовало бы знать в первую очередь, когда вы начинали фотографировать?

    The amount of editing :D

  • Что вы хотите донести до людей с помощью фотографии?

    The most common answer – a story. Really though, I want to capture the events of the day, with an approach that insorporates my style, and the couple's personality.

  • Что побуждает вас продолжать заниматься фотографией?

    The fact that I make art. And as I said before, positive feedback!

  • Следовало ли вашим родителям быть более (менее) строгими?

    I think they were perfect, not strict at all (I was quite a revolutionary child, so I think it would have been difficult to try and set more limits!).

  • Если бы можно было вернуться в прошлое, что бы вы сделали иначе?

    Maybe I would have follow my heart, instead of losing some time doing things that I felt that I had to do. Because in the end, it's very difficult to succeed in something you don't put all your focus on.

  • Есть ли жизнь на других планетах?

    Well, I feel that universe is too big to be alone!

  • Кто для вас пример для подражания?

    Everyday people.

  • Кого вы считаете недостойным уважения?

    People who are not humanists.

  • Чем вы занимаетесь в свободное время?

    Going on long walks, music lessons, excersising.

  • Какая часть вашей личности скрыта от окружающих?

    This would be too public to tell!

  • В каких случаях вы бываете полностью довольны своей работой?

    When I feel inspired with my work, and my customers are smiling!

  • Придаете ли вы значение традиционным ролям мужчин и женщин?

    Not a lot, but of course our growing up shapes us a lot.

  • Легко ли вы заводите друзей?

    Real friends, not that easily.

  • Где вы хотели бы жить?

    I like a lot where I live. Nowhere is perfect, and I feel pretty good with my home land!

  • Есть ли жизнь после свадьбы?

    Marriage doesn't change your routine. Marriage it's a love oath.

  • Вы любите собак? А кошек?

    Cat person here!

  • Самое лучшее в жизни — это:

    Love? That's what I think at least.

  • Есть ли что-то вокруг вас, что вы хотели бы изменить?

    I wish that people had more critical thinking. Myself included.

  • Что бы вы посоветовали начинающим фотографам?

    Do it with passion, try, and don't stop believing in what you do. Nothing comes without hard work!

  • Если бы вам пришлось снимать фильм, в каком жанре он был бы?

    I think a Drama.

  • Завтра я пойду и сделаю…

    My Covid quarantine routine!