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Fotograf Christian Fagerland


Sidst online for 5 dage siden

Bergen, Norge 

3 år på MyWed
Jeg taler engelsk, norsk Bergen, Norge Christian Fagerland +47 911 33 398


  • Hvordan blev du en del af fotografiindustrien?

    I've always had a passion to create something. In photography I found a way to really create something meaningful. Especially in weddings, I get to create images that have a big value to the couple.

  • Hvad er de vigtigste komponenter i et godt billede efter din mening?

    The photo has to reflect something real. If you smile because I've told you to, it's not a real smile, it's a forced one.A good photo often contains few elements (you and a clean background), good light and real emotion.

  • Elsker du at rejse?

    I do! Then I can stop along the way and eat a big hamburger. mmmm

  • Hvad kan du bedst lide ved dit fag?

    To create something beautiful and meaningful

  • Hvad synes du mindre godt om ved dit fag?

    90% of photography is not actually taking photos. So I don't love some of the mundane tasks like accounting and stuff related to that.

  • Hvordan ser fremtiden ud for fotografering?

    The more advanced the cameras become, the more technically correct the images will be. Less blur, less missed focus, more accurate colors and light.We humans want our art to be created by humans. This means there has to be some imperfections, or else it just looks to sterile and uninspiring. The future of photography will then be more and more about post prosessing. If the photographer have a 100% technically correct image, he or she can create something great of this in post.

  • Hvordan håndterer du kritik?

    Pretty well. It might affect me as anyone, but if it's constructive I will appreciate it, so I might learn from it.

  • Er der nogen tendenser inden for fotografering?

    Now in 2020, there seem to be a global trend for over-warming the images. Some look so yellow I can almost feel the sun.I don't follow trends. I photograph weddings, and I don't want my clients too look at the images 20 years from now and get embarrassed over the crazy 2020-style.

  • Hvad bør kriterierne være for en kunde, der skal vælge en fotograf?

    Get one you like the images of. Call them, do you like them still? Is this someone you would like to be close to a few hours on you biggest day ever?If you are on a tight budget, get a good photographer to photograph the ceremony and portraits, or just portraits, rather then a mediocre to cover the whole day.

  • Hvilke ting er slet ikke tilladt under fotograferingen?

    Funny poses. I never ask you to do something "funny". If a friend of you say "heeyyy, wont you to hide behind the tree there and poke your heads out from the tree? that'll be funnnnnnn"No thank you.

  • Hvilke detaljer, der som regel går ubemærket hen, vil en fotograf bemærke?

    Grandparents interacting with grandchildren. #sweet

  • Hvad påvirker værdien af et foto? Hvilke elementer indeholder det?

    Moments. I want the couple to get images of moments. When you look at the image, you just remember how you felt that moment.

  • Hvem vil du gerne fotografere?

    I don't think that way. I'm glad to photograph anyone!